Simple Machines in Biomedical Engineering


Engineering Studies – P4  Biomedical Engineering – Mechanical Analysis

This topic develops skills in analysing simple machines. The purpose of a simple machine is reviewed and the key concepts of calculating ‘mechanical advantage’, ‘velocity ratio’ and ‘efficiency’ are developed.

Key Concepts

  • Defining the types of simple machines
  • Identifying simple machine types within more complex machines or devices
  • Mechanical advantage – concept and calculations
  • Velocity ratio – concept and calculations
  • Efficiency in machines – concept and calculations

Discussion Questions

  1. Define the purposes of ‘simple machines’.
  2. Define a ‘mechanical advantage’.
  3. Define ‘velocity ratio’.
  4. Define the ‘principle of work’.
  5. How is efficiency calculated?
  6. Name and define ‘lever’ types.
  7. Name and define ‘pulley’ systems.
  8. Explain how ‘gears’ and ‘gear ratios’ achieve mechanical advantage and their velocity ratio.
  9. Explain why ‘wedges’ and the ‘inclined plane’ are found in many applications.
  10. List reasons why machines are not 100% efficient.



Simple Machines - Mr David Jackson - Engineering Studies Teacher 421 V1
421 V8 Mr David Jackson
Gear Ratio Calculations - Lego examples - YouTube
421 V9 Mr David Jackson
421 V6 Mr David Jackson
Passive walking robot - Nagaya Japan - Interesting engineering.