iSTEM Core Module 4 Mechatronics 2 – Mechatronics and control technology


Students Learn About

  • logic gates
  • mechanical and electrical actuation systems
  • motors

Students Learn To

  • plan solutions to problems using logic gates
  • design, construct and evaluate motorised mechatronic systems which solve identified problems
  • use a variety of mechanical and electrical actuation systems to solve every day problems
  • develop programming skills to manipulate sensors, motors and actuators


Today, Carrie Anne is going to take a look at how those transistors we talked about last episode can be used to perform complex actions. With the just two states, on and off, the flow of electricity can be used to perform a number of logical operations, which are guided by a branch of mathematics called Boolean Algebra. We’re going to focus on three fundamental operations - NOT, AND, and OR - and show how they were created in a series of really useful circuits. And its these simple electrical circuits that lay the groundwork for our much more complex machines.
This video was produced by Michael Richard (Kite Magic) to support the SISP Mini Electric Vehicle project. A motor is found in kids toys and laser cutters, this video will explore how it works and what else we can use them for.
This video was produced by Michael Richard (Kite Magic) to support the SISP Mini Electric Vehicle project. The resource will show you how to make a very simple DC Motor that will help you understand them better.