iSTEM Core Module 4 Mechatronics 2 – Design mechatronic solutions for a range of applications


Students Learn To

  • design solutions to various mechatronic applications to meet set criteria(s)
  • produce peripheral enhancements to mechatronic devices to provide additional functions
  • use innovative processes to create mechatronic devices which meet societal needs in the near future

STEM Learning Activities

Suggested STEM Learning Activity 1 – Tetrix Robotics

Using the Tetrix robotics kits in groups students complete a series of engineering and robotics construction challenges using the Pitsco Tetrix platform; 

Prime Kit –

    1. Activity 1 – Think like an Engineer: Build & Run a Robot
    2. Activity 2 – Drivetrains: Build the Car Bot
    3. Activity 3 – Drivetrain modifications
    4. Optional: Drive and Speed Challenge (Students choose one of the 4 activities to complete Activity 6 -9)

Max Kit –

      1. Activity 1 – Build the Robot, run the maze
      2. Activity 2 – Wave the flag
      3. Activity 6 – Inch Worm
      4. Optional: Design Challenges (Students choose between challenge 1 – 4)

Note: This Unit requires the purchase of a Tetrix Robotics system available for purchase in Australia by Kookaburra Educational Supplies

Suggested STEM Learning Activity 2: – Arbot Robotics

The Arbot is an innovative and highly engaging robot made for teachers by teachers. It’s simple design and almost limitless opportunities for expansion make it an ideal mechanism to both teach beginning students text-based coding and extend advanced students interests in Mechatronics. The Arbot incorporates Arduino, an inexpensive open-source electronics platform which is used internationally at universities to teach electronics, robotics and computer science. The Arbot package includes electronic hardware, software and sample code and troubleshooting media as well as extensive teaching support for use in Stage 4 Mandatory Technology and Stage 5 iSTEM.

For teachers and students, the learning curve is steep when entering into the world of mechatronics and text-base coding. Training of staff in the Arbot platform is highly recommended before implementation and Camden Haven High School is available to offer training for interested groups.

Note: This Unit requires the purchase of a Arbot Robotics system available for purchase in Australia by Hayne Robotics

Click on the resource button below to find resources to support the Arbot Robotics Project



Tetrix Activity 4 - Get a Grip 163 KB
Learn how to operate a gripper tool to harvest objects.
Activity 1 – Building the Base Robot 59 KB
The TETRIX PRIME system enables you to construct various robots using the parts included in the base set. As you become more proficient in using the building system, more complex activities using additional parts might be assigned to expand your learning.
Tetrix Prime Builders Guide 45 MB
Pitsco Education is pleased to bring you this TETRIX® PRIME R/C Builder’s Guide. This resource has been created to; Help introduce new users to the TETRIX PRIME building system. Demonstrate how the building system can be used to create original, remote-controlled robot designs and give inspiration for expanding beyond the provided builds. Provide step-by-step instructions that progressively guide users with little or no previous experience to a comfortable level working within a real-world, scalable building system. Build confidence and generate enthusiasm for the fields of engineering and robotics.


Do you want to implement a robotics program or expand your existing robotics program? Are you unsure how to make STEM connections with robotics? Want to learn more about TETRIX® PRIME? This webinar is an introduction to Pitsco's TETRIX PRIME robotics building system demonstrating versatility and ease of use of the system, and discussing STEM connections for the classroom.