Practical Activities for Biomedical Engineering


Engineering Studies – P4 Biomedical Engineering – Practical Activities

This section contains classroom practical challenges that enhance the learning of engineering concepts. The challenges link to Engineering Studies outcome.

  • Simple machines
  • Shaping and joining of materials
  • Electrical circuits
  • Digital logic
  • Biomedical products

Suggested short practical activities include:

  • Gear Train

Students create various gear trains and calculate VR.

Gear Train

  • Prosthetic Leg

Design and construct a prosthetic lower leg.

Plunger leg


  • Arduino sensor robot

Students work through the engineering design process as they are introduced to servos and the flex sensor. They create simple, one-jointed, finger robots controlled by Arduino. Servos are motors with feedback and are extensively used in industrial and consumer applications—from large industrial car-manufacturing robots that use servos to hold heavy metal and precisely weld components together, to prosthetic hands that rely on servos to provide fine motor control. Students use Arduino microcontrollers and flex sensors to read finger flexes, which they process to send angle information to the servos. Students create working circuits; use the constrain, map and smoothing commands; learn what is meant by library and abstraction in a coding context; and may even combine team finger designs to create a complete prosthetic hand of bendable fingers.