Students learn to
- Applying problem solving techniques to identified problems related to motion
- Plan, implement and evaluate a sequence of operations for the completion of a design project related to motion
In this resource page, there are materials to support a range of different STEM Learning Activities that are related to Motion. Teachers are encouraged to select a STEM Learning Activity which best suit
STEM Learning Activities and Units of Work
Below are a number of suggested learning activities that will support the Motion elective module. Further the Rivers Academy of STEM Excellence have produced a sample unit of work based around the Solar Electric Vehicle challenge.
Suggested Activity 1: SISP Mini Electric Vehicle Challenge
The SISP Secondary solar car challenge is designed to be used in conjunction with the Kit Magic Solar Car sets for students to apply their knowledge of solar energy and electric circuits. Focusing on technology and engineering, these kits are ideal for iSTEM classes. Schools are encouraged to use the solar car kits to run an in-school or intra-school solar car challenge at the end of this unit, where students test their designs. This solar car pursuit race is designed to test students skills of engineering and photovoltaics. Students will need to solve many problems before they have a car ready to race in this event. It will require a team effort plus a range of new skills.
Students will need to consider some of the following, Wheel size and this may require 3D printing or laser cutting. Gear ratios, connection of the two solar panels for series and parallel. Placement of components, angle of the solar panels. Friction points on the car plus the guides needed to help the vehicle around the track. Different types of materials for the chassis and other parts of the car. Plus more that students will think of as they build their car. Teachers may also like to add a creative side and look for the best looking car. See resource section below for instructions and videos on how to construct and draw a solar car.
This unit requires the school to purchase the Kit Magic Solar Car Kits.
Class sets of eight kits is suitable for 24 students. Each kit is made up of 2 Solar Panels – 2v, 700mA, 4 wheels, 2 Axles and Axle collars, 1 motor – F18 with plastic mount, 2 large spur gears, 2 small pinion gears, 1 battery pack, a cloured corflute chassis and a toggle switch. To purchase a class set contact Kite Magic 02 90451662
There is a sample unit of work for a Solar Car Challenge which has been developed for this activity. Access the program and associated resources by clicking on the button below.
Suggested Activity 2: STELR Solar Car Kits
STELR solar cars are designed to be used in conjunction with the STELR Renewable Energy module for students to apply their knowledge of solar energy and electric circuits. Focusing on technology and engineering, these kits are ideal for iSTEM classes. Schools are encouraged to use the solar car kits to run an in-school solar car challenge at the end of the unit, where students test their designs. See resource section below for instructions and a student workbook and videos on how to construct your solar car.
This unit requires the school to purchase the STELR Solar Car Kits.
A class set of 14 STELR Solar Car kits includes all the equipment required for students to undertake investigations into the construction and modification of solar cars including a teacher jar of spare parts. STELR equipment encourages both guided and open-ended research. It has been designed and developed in Australia specifically for STELR and is robust, simple and easy to use. To purchase a class set of STELR equipment and curriculum resources, download and complete the order form below and send it, along with a school purchase order, to
