Engineering Studies – H2 Transport Engineering – Electricity
This topic covers the electrical concepts that are the basis of electrical motors. Key concepts include electro-magnetism, inductance, the components of an electric motor and specific applications for electric motor types.
Key Concepts
- Explain how electric motor turn electrical current into rotational motion
- Inductance and electro-magnetism
- Electric motor types and applications
- Electric motor control
Discussion Questions
- Discuss how an electrical motor transforms electrical energy into rotational movement.
- What is an electro-magnet?
- Discuss ways of controlling electric motors.
- Describe electrical motor types.
- What are the major components of an electric motor?
- What electrical safety precautions are designed into electrical motors?
- What is electrical inductance?
- What is an electric phase in terms of single and three phase motors?
- Discuss applications for electric motors.
How the Ignition Coil works - MegLab - YouTube