Adam Spencer Gridlocks


STEM Learning Activity

In this series of problem solving activities produced by Australia’s favourite mathematician Adam Spencer, you will learn about arithmetic and problem solving in a fun yet challenging way. We hope you enjoy


In this video Adam Spencer presents ‘Gridlocks. This is a mathematical problem-solving game developed by Adam and Sean Gardner from the UNSW some years ago for one of his many books. ‘Gridlocks’ is a great way for students to learn about the mathematical concept of order of operations and mathematical problem solving.



In this video Adam Spencer presents ‘High Scores’ the mathematical problem-solving game developed by Adam and Sean Gardner.
In this video Adam Spencer presents the mathematical game ’31 Fun’.
In this video Adam Spencer introduces students to a game that was invented by the mathematician John Horton-Conway in 1967 known as ‘Sprouts’.
‘Gridlocks’ is a great way for students to learn about the mathematical concept of order of operations and mathematical problem solving.