NSW Department of Primary Industries 'The Yabby Unit' - Overview
STEM Learning Activities
Suggested Activity 1: NSW Department of Primary Industries – The Yabby Unit
This unit of work provides students with the opportunity to investigate the importance of aquaculture production to our society. It integrates content from multiple contexts, aquaculture, aquaponics and digital technologies. Successful automation of an aquaponics system using digital technologies will provide students with an understanding of how these technologies can be blended/harnessed for improved aquacultural production.

Yabby Aquaponics iSTEM Minor Project Unit of Work
This unit provides students with the opportunity to investigate the importance of aquaculture production to our society. It integrates content from multiple contexts, aquaculture, aquaponics and digital technologies. Successful automation of an aquaponics system using digital technologies will provide students with an understanding of how these technologies can be blended/harnessed for improved aquacultural production.
Trevor Cochrane from the Garden Gurus TV shows us how to expand an existing aquaponics system to grow fish using solar panel energy to run the electrics. This completely organic vegetable growing system can save you electricity by using solar, batteries and 12V power.
Visit our web site to learn more. http://www.hydroponicxpress.com.au/
#aquaponics #hydroponics #thegardengurus #barramundi #silverperch #trout #waterwise #expandedclay #hydroton #organic #vegatables #recyclable #environmentallyfriendly #sustainable #growveggies #nitrogencycle #12V #solar #solarponics
Australian vegetable farmers speak about Economy of Scale
Gazzola Farm, Koala Farm, Schreurs Farm and Rugby Farm: These vegetable farming businesses utilize the innovative approaches along Australia’s East Coast region. By applying clever farming strategies, they are able to overcome challenges both specific to Australia and shared by farmers globally.
Raspberry Pi Controlled IBC based Aquaponics
Raspberry Pi Controlled IBC based Aquaponics. Details and scripts available at https://www.instructables.com/id/Raspberry-Pi-Controlled-Aquaponics/
Farming and Handling of Yabbies Documentary
This video is part of the FRDC project A Code of Practice for the Farming and Handling of Yabbies.
Internet of food: Arduino-based, urban aquaponics in Oakland
The land in West Oakland where Eric Maundu is trying to farm is covered with freeways, roads, light rail, and parking lots so there's not much arable land and the soil is contaminated. So Maundu doesn't use soil. Instead, he's growing plants using fish and circulating water. It's called aquaponics- a gardening system that combines hydroponics (water-based planting) and aquaculture (fish farming). It's been hailed as the future of farming: it uses less water (up to 90% less than traditional gardening), doesn't attract soil-based bugs and produces two types of produce (both plants and fish).
Internet of Farming: Arduino-based, backyard aquaponics
Rik Kretzinger grew up on a Christmas tree farm and spent his college years studying horticulture, but he found it too difficult to make a living as a small farmer so he spent most of his career working for others.
A few years ago, he began to tinker with aquaponics (fish-farming + hydroponics), sensors, and the open-source microcontroller Arduino to create an automated garden that could compete with commercial farms.
Aquaponic farming saves water, but can it feed the country?
NSW Department of Primary Industries 'The Yabby Unit' - Overview

NSW Department of Primary Industries - Yabby Unit Resources
This unit of work provides students with the opportunity to investigate the importance of aquaculture production to our society by focusing on Australian freshwater crayfish production. The Yabby unit of work consists of six resources including a workbook, answer guide, teacher and parent lesson sequence guide, two major design folios and a teacher coding guide with example code for a possible automated aquaponics set-up.

Infection with Aphanomyces astaci
Also known as crayfish plague. From Aquatic animal diseases significant to Australia: identification field guide, 5th edition

Animals in Schools Website
The purpose of this web site is to assist schools to satisfy the requirements of the Animal Research Act 1985 (NSW).