The Electric Kombi Conversion Project – Topic 10: How does the engagement in integrated STEM projects prepare students for a future in STEM-related industries?


Kombi Unit

Inquiry question 10:

How does the engagement in integrated STEM projects prepare students for a future in STEM-related industries?

6.4 Motion Calculations

Students Learn about:

  • velocity
  • acceleration
  • inertia
  • circular motion
  • momentum

Students learn to:

  • Apply mathematical and graphical methods to solve motion related problems involving velocity, acceleration, inertia, circular motion and momentum
  • Determine solutions to simple problems related to motion perform simple calculations related to momentum

6.5 Developing projects related to motion

Students learn to:

  • Apply problem solving techniques to identified problems related to motion
  • Plan, implement and evaluate a sequence of operations for the completion of a design project related to motion


Lessons 28, 29 & 30:

Teacher instructions: Teacher explains the rules and event day program to teams.

Student activities:

  • Final testing:
  • All data is captured and submitted to cloud document scoreboard for comparative analysis.
  • Collection and analysis, and synthesis of statistics and to upload statistics onto scoreboard.

Teacher Demonstration: Teacher to demonstrate the analysis of the raw ‘event day’ data.
Student Activities:

  • Students to analyse event day data and graph the acceleration and velocity of their vehicle
  • Students to evaluate vehicle design and submission of portfolio to the teacher.

Teacher Demonstration and Discussion: Teacher to present comparison of data across all vehicles. Discussion on their performance in relation to theoretical vs actual results.

Video 10.30.1: Careers In Stem Dr Maree Lake, a senior lecturer and civil/traffic engineer from Southern Cross University, discusses the path to becoming an engineer and the varied and unique opportunities that exist for careers in engineering. This video promotes the STEM subjects and women in
STEM and engineering.

Students to reflect back on the electric Kombi unit has transformed their understanding of the concepts of energy use, sustainability, prototyping and motion


Background organisation: A flagstone event to showcase the work of the students through the unit. Ensure event day organisation has been planned. Event day book program is published.

Create a cloud scoreboard document using an online application such as Google Sheets or online Microsoft Excel to be made available for students to upload data. This enables the students to compare data for acceleration, speed etc. easily and accessibly.

Example of measuring constant velocity

Design portfolio submission

Presentation of data from cloud doc. and data analysis.

Video 10.30.1: Careers In Stem Dr Maree Lake (SCU) talks about careers in engineering from the STEM subjects

SCU Reflective writing quick quide