Measurement Resource: In this video students learn about visual displays for two variables
Students Learn About
- systematic observation
- measurement
- experiment
- formulation, testing and modification of hypotheses
Students Learn To
- design investigations which produce valid and reliable data
- investigate STEM based problems using primary and secondary sources
- use identified investigative strategies to develop a range of solutions to STEM based problems

Inquiry Based Learning Activity
In this activity students utilise the deep knowledge and understanding they have gained from the STEM Investigations unit to utilise the scientific method, collect and analyse data and communicate the results of their findings. The activity involves students utilising inquiry based learning strategies to apply appropriate design, production and evaluation skills to a contemporary problem based on energy.

STELR Electricity and Energy Student Workbook
Experiments Electrical Circuits: The STELR Electricity and Energy teacher and student resources are available in soft copy. The student books are designed to be kept by students who write in them as they complete the unit. These resource are available from the STELR website. These workbooks are designed to be used with the STELR Electricity and Energy kits.

STELR Electricity and Energy Teacher Workbook
Experiments Electrical Circuits: The STELR Electricity and Energy teacher and student resources are available in soft copy. The student books are designed to be kept by students who write in them as they complete the unit. These resource are available from the STELR website. These workbooks are designed to be used with the STELR Electricity and Energy kits.

Stats Tune Up Introduction to Statistics Video Resource Sheet
Measurement: In order to be able to design investigations which produce valid and reliable data you must first learn about variation. Use the Statistics Tune Up introduction to statistics video resources in order to a greater understand of variation.

Stats Tune Up Random Variables Video Resource Sheet
Measurement: Use the Statistics Tune Up random variables video resource sheet in order to a greater understand of random variables.

Stats Tune Up Visual Displays One Variable Video Resource Sheet
Measurement: Use the Statistics Tune Up visual displays one variable video resource sheet in order to a greater understand of displaying one variable.

Stats Tune Up Visual Displays Two Variable Video Resource Sheet
Measurement: Use the Statistics Tune Up visual displays two variables video resource sheet in order to a greater understand of displaying two variables.
Problem Solving Resource: Engineering explained - from mobile phones to the Burj Khalifa (the world's tallest building), computer games and toothpaste to the Sydney Harbour Bridge and aeroplanes.
Problem Solving Resource: Find out what it REALLY means to be a scientist.
Problem Solving Resource: Engineering paradise.. rap parody to remind folks that engineering is wicked cool. From John Cohn . , IBM Fellow , Mad Scientist and cast member of Discovery Channel's post-apocalyptic survival show 'The Colony'
Measurement Resource: In this video you'll be introduced to some of the basic concepts of statistics, in particular random variables, variation and sampling. It doesn’t build on ideas discussed in any of the previous videos, so feel free to watch this one straight away.
Measurement Resource: This video is designed to give you an introduction to the concept of a random variable and how to determine a variable’s type.
Measurement Resource: In this video students learn about visual displays for a single variable
Measurement Resource: In this video students learn about visual displays for two variables
Let's go on a journey and learn about reliability and validity in research!

STELR (Electricity and Energy)
Experiments Electrical Circuits: STELR is a ready-to-use STEM resource that is hands-on, inquiry-based, and in-curriculum. It shows students that science and maths are relevant to their lives and increases student enthusiasm for and engagement with Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths (STEM) subjects. STELR provides career profiles which highlight the study pathways necessary for jobs in STEM-related industries.

SSA National Schools Poster Competition (NSPC)
Measurement: The National Schools Poster Competition website provides some excellent resources to complete the E-Poster. Join in a scientific enquiry which will support your journey into the Data Age! The SSA National Schools Poster Competition is a fun, project-based learning activity which encourages primary and secondary school students to develop, implement and creatively report upon an investigation on any topic of interest to them (the 'X')... for great prizes!

Stats Tune Up (Measurement)
Measurement: Everything needs a tune up now and then... even your stats skills. To give you a friendly head start to your university course, and the associated fundamental statistical concepts and methods, we’ve created this special series of videos designed to get you feeling more confident about statistics and up to speed quickly. Stats Tune Up includes animated and straight forward explanations and examples of some of the fundamental statistical concepts and methods that you’ll need to understand to move forward in your studies.

Validity, Reliability and Accuracy of Experiments
Good notes and explanations for the terms validity, reliability, accuracy. is a digital library of more than 1,500 K-12 engineering curricular items such as lessons, hands-on activities and maker challenges. The items feature problem-solving, project-based learning, design and systems thinking, and developing engineering habits of mind.

Khan Academy (The Scientific Method)
The Scientific Methods: In this Khan Academy resource learn how the scientific method is used to ask questions and test explanations. Also learn how the scientific method is used to test a hypothesis @

Science / Year 10 / Science Inquiry Skills / Questioning and Predicting
Formulate questions or hypotheses that can be investigated scientifically (ACSIS198)

Science / Year 10 / Science Inquiry Skills / Planning and Conducting
Plan, select and use appropriate investigation types, including field work and laboratory experimentation, to collect reliable data; assess risk and address ethical issues associated with these methods (ACSIS199)

Science / Year 10 / Science Inquiry Skills / Processing and Analysing Data and Information
Analyse patterns and trends in data, including describing relationships between variables and identifying inconsistencies (ACSIS203)

Science / Year 10 / Science Inquiry Skills / Processing and Analysing Data and Information
Use knowledge of scientific concepts to draw conclusions that are consistent with evidence (ACSIS204)

Science / Year 10 / Science Inquiry Skills / Evaluating
Evaluate conclusions, including identifying sources of uncertainty and possible alternative explanations, and describe specific ways to improve the quality of the data (ACSIS205)

Science / Year 10 / Science Inquiry Skills / Evaluating
Critically analyse the validity of information in primary and secondary sources, and evaluate the approaches used to solve problems (ACSIS206)

Science / Year 10 / Science Inquiry Skills / Communicating
Communicate scientific ideas and information for a particular purpose, including constructing evidence-based arguments and using appropriate scientific language, conventions and representations (ACSIS208)

It's a Drag - Online Simulation
An interactive game that assists students to understand the importance of only changing one independent variable at a time in order to achieve valid results.(online simulation)

Fair Test - Online game
Know what a 'fair test' is? What is its relationship to a 'control' and 'variables'? Run some fair tests as part of your work in a plant research laboratory. Investigate the effects of different variables (factors) on the growth of lettuces, peas and tomatoes. (online activity)