Engineering Studies – P1 Fundamental Engineering – Materials and Manufacturing
This topic introduces terms used to describe and define material properties. The relationship between material properties and their application in engineered objects is a key concept of the topic.
Key Concepts
- Property definitions
- The interrelationship between material properties and applicable manufacturing techniques
- The interrelationship between material properties and in-service performance.
Discussion Questions
- Discuss methods of determining property values and units of measuring.
- Define elasticity of a material and nominate a material that has high elasticity.
- Define stiffness of a material and nominate a material that has high stiffness.
- Define plasticity of a material and nominate a material that has high plasticity.
- Define ductility of a material and nominate a material that has high ductility.
- Define malleability of a material and nominate a material that has high malleability.
- Define brittleness of a material and nominate a material that has high brittleness.
- Define toughness of a material and nominate a material that has high toughness
- What property of a clay ceramic would make them suitable for use in common bricks?
- Discuss the relative sizes of the measuring units used for each property.
- Relate materials properties to how they are used in engineering during product manufacturing and when the product is in-service.
University of Cambridge - Department of Engineering - Material Properties Explained
This site has been created as a resource to aid good practice in the selection of materials for product design. It has information on materials, properties, processes, and product design
Welcome to the Non Destructive Test Resource Center. This site was designed to be a comprehensive source of information and materials for NDT. The site was created by nondestructive testing professionals and educators from around the world.
These are some of the types of materials most commonly used. Knowledge of materials allows for comparison of everyday materials, e.g. different kinds of wood, rock, metal, paper, plastic, on the basis of their properties, including hardness, strength, flexibility and magnetic behavior, and to relate these properties to everyday uses of the materials.
The following factors, either taken singly or in combination, form the bases of the various systems of classification of engineering materials:
• the chemical composition of the material; • its mode of occurrence in nature; • the refining and manufacturing processes to which it must be subjected before use;
• its internal (atomic and crystalline) structure; • the industrial uses to which materials are put.