Engineering Studies – H1 Civil Engineering – Materials and Manufacturing
This topic investigates methods of investigating material for cracks and defects, both destructive and non-destructive methods. Procedures for analysis and interpreting test data are key concepts for this topic.
Key Concepts
- Material testing categories such as:
- Destructive
- Non-destructive
- Interpreting test data
- Describing testing apparatus and procedures
- Explaining testing apparatus applications
- Measuring units
Discussion Questions
- Why is testing of materials important?
- What type of data can be collected from testing?
- Evaluate the appropriateness of various tests to particular applications in civil structures.
- Explain why the units chosen to display test results is relevant?
Non-destructive Testing
- Explain the advantages and disadvantages of non-destructive testing.
- List applications in civil structures for non-destructive testing.
- Describe the process of a non-destructive test such as X-Ray inspection.
- How can concrete be tested prior to pouring?
Destructive Testing
- Explain the advantages and disadvantages of destructive testing.
- List applications in civil structures for destructive testing.
- How can concrete be tested after it has set?
- Describe a procedure for a load-extension test.
- Describe examples of test data being used to evaluate material properties.