Engineering Studies – H3 Aeronautical Engineering – Graphics
This topic covers the techniques of determining true lengths of lines and the true angle of inclination. The key concept is the relevance of true lengths and the application of the method in triangulation and pattern development.
Key Concepts
- Determining the true length of lines in orthogonal views
- Determining the true angles of lines in orthogonal views
Discussion Questions
- Why is determining true length relevant?
- Define what is meant in graphics by the term ‘true length of a line’?
- When would a line appear as an ‘apparent length’ in an orthogonal view?
- Define what is meant in graphics by the term ‘true angle of a line’?
- When would a line appear at its true angle in an orthogonal view?
- Why is determining the true angle of a line relevant?
- What are technical drawing applications that require a true length to be determined?
- What is the statement describing when a line is a true length in an orthogonal view?