The Electric Kombi Conversion Project – Topic 7: Data analysis and prototype testing


Kombi Unit

Inquiry question 7:

How can the use and analysis of data, enable more efficient and more effective designs?

6.4 Motion Calculations

Students Learn about:

  • velocity
  • acceleration
  • inertia
  • circular motion
  • momentum

Students learn to:

  • Apply mathematical and graphical methods to solve motion related problems involving velocity, acceleration, inertia, circular motion and momentum
  • Determine solutions to simple problems related to motion perform simple calculations related to momentum

6.5 Developing projects related to motion

Students learn to:

  • Apply problem solving techniques to identified problems related to motion
  • Plan, implement and evaluate a sequence of operations for the completion of a design project related to motion


Lesson 19:

Acceleration data analysis: Students learn how to use the data collected through the testing process (see Accelerometers Resources).

Teacher demonstration: Teacher to demonstrate data collection and analysis using an exemplar project.

Student Activity: Students to replicate data collection and analysis in pairs using their micro:bits.

  • Key Questions: What data is to be collected using the micro:bit accelerometer?
  • What code would be used to collect the data from the moving vehicle?

Student Activity: Students plan how the acceleration data will be collected and analysed. Students test the practical components and collate data on the variables from the tasks. Students improve testing procedures to improve speed.


Acceleration Suggest use of microcontrollers attached to the vehicle to collect data.

Timing Gates

Micro:bit and MakeCode


Lesson 20:

Circuit ‘dry’ assembly.

Teacher demonstration: What is expected in the temporary assembly of the circuit to allow for modification or fault correction.

Student Activity: Students to collect and assemble components using temporary methods such as breadboard.




Electronic components

Lesson 21:


Students to complete and test circuit design for function. Time is allocated for modification to ensure circuit operation is optimal.


Established design criteria to be used to determine functionality and efficacy from Lesson 4

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