Summary of Unit
In this module, students are to develop skills and understanding associated with alternative fuel sources for vehicles. Students will utilise inquiry and problem-based learning strategies to investigate the impact of current car fuel sources, which has affected the environment – arguably beyond repair
– and governs much of the global political and economic powers. Students are engineers who have been approached by the EPA to investigate and design an electric vehicle, based on the conversion of the Southern Cross University Kombi, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create a cleaner, quieter, more efficient vehicle.
STEM Learning Activity – The SCU Electric Kombi Conversion Project
In this module students develop skills and understanding associated with iSTEM Motion unit.
The package also includes a suite of purpose developed videos to accompany the program featuring speakers from industry and the university including Southern Cross University Vice President (Engagement), Ben Roche; Project Leader, Industry Engineer and Southern Cross University Alumnus, Andy Naughton; Industry Leader in Renewable Energy, Nick Lake; Current Southern Cross University Engineering Student, Max Den Exter; and, Academics from the Faculty of Science and Engineering including Dr Ricardo Vasquez Padilla and Dr Maree Lake. The package also provides links to relevant educational resources including YouTube clips, interactive web applications, templates, background
teacher information and more.
This curriculum package is designed by STEM experts with student engagement and experience at the fore to ensure it enables students to develop the 21st century skills necessary for their future careers. We trust you and your students will enjoy and we look forward to working with you.
Visit the Southern Cross University Kombi Website
Duration: 10 weeks – 25 Indicated hours
Students will be required to complete a Kombi Upgrade Design and Evaluation Report which documents their process in developing a model of an electric vehicle that can travel for at least 20 metres unaided.
Click on the topic links below for each topic.
Topic 1: The case for re-thinking car fuel sources
Topic 2: Utilising renewable and non-renewable energy sources (energy) including comparing electric and petrol/diesel engines
Topic 3: Applying the learning – a design challenge using renewable energy
Topic 4: Student design portfolio – applying thinking to design processes
Topic 5: Introduction to CAD design – developing a prototype (electronics)
Topic 6: Understanding car engines – gyroscopes, accelerometers, sensors (technologies related to motion)
Topic 7: Data analysis and prototype testing
Topic 8: Car development, manufacture, testing and improvement
Topic 9: Cardboard Kombi testing and evaluation part 1
Topic 10 Cardboard Kombi testing and evaluation part 2