Materials provided below were developed by Sydney Secondary College – Leichhardt Campus

Year 9 iSTEM Aeronautical Challenge Design Folio
Task outline and assessment rubric for the Aeronautical Velocity Challenge task from Sydney Secondary College - Leichhardt Campus.

Year 9 iSTEM Find It Fix It Mechatronics Collaborative Design Report
Task outline and assessment rubric for the Mechatronics Collaborative Project from Sydney Secondary College - Leichhardt Campus.

Year 9 iSTEM STEM Fundamentals Report
Task outline and assessment rubric for the STEM Fundamentals Report from Sydney Secondary College - Leichhardt Campus.

Year 9 iSTEM Yearly Examination
Sample Year 9 iSTEM Yearly Examination from Sydney Secondary College - Leichhardt Campus.

Year 10 iSTEM Design for Space Report
Task outline and assessment rubric for the Design for Space Report from Sydney Secondary College - Leichhardt Campus.

Year 10 iSTEM Motion - Metro Minds STEAM Challenge
Task outline and assessment rubric for the Motion - Metro Minds STEAM Challenge from Sydney Secondary College - Leichhardt Campus.

Year 10 iSTEM Yearly Exam
Sample Year 10 iSTEM Yearly Examination from Sydney Secondary College - Leichhardt Campus.